11 November 2022

Today would have been James’s 95th birthday. He died quickly and peacefully at home just a fortnight ago, on a warm Autumn evening, 26 October, comfortable, cared for, and surrounded by love.

His remarkable energy lives on – not only in the words he has published already and the memories of his countless friends, but also in the words he has written for future publication. In fact, James being James, he has already written the blogs for his website up until 2030! So we will continue to publish his reflections every fortnight, and we hope you will continue to get pleasure and benefit from them.

JRE’s last letter contained this memorable extract from one of his ‘future’ blogs:

In churches around the world candles are lit in memory of a loved one or for someone in need, and when we leave the building it is in the knowledge that the candle burns on in our absence, only to be succeeded by other candles, each a symbol of the ongoing stream of prayer. Lighting a candle is not only an act of piety; it is an act of poetry, reminding us that we each carry a lamp for humanity… 

So now let us light a candle within ourselves as we enter the Great Silence, knowing that all over the world others are gathered together in prayer and meditation as they too, share in that Great silence.


James Roose-Evans 

11.11.1927 – 26.10.2022


14 thoughts on “11 November 2022”

  1. Oh how grateful I am for this continuing connection to a dear friend. At his funeral today I hope we can all keep that candle alight.

  2. What a joy to receive this today! Thank you, dear James, ever-inspiring friend, for your light and all the gifts you have shared. I light a candle in Atlanta, GA, in your memory and join the circle of Light.

  3. Thankyou so much. I did receive a paper copy and have been lighting a candle for James and Hywell every day. I am sad not be there in person today to bid him farewell but I have SUCH a strong sense that dear James was ready to go and is already busy on the other side.
    Blessings all

  4. What a lovely tribute to a remarkable man! How we will miss him. How thankful I am for his life and the bright lamp he carried for humanity
    Blessings all

    St John

  5. This message is such a consolation. Thinking of dear James and his kindnesses today, and feel blessed I had the privilege of meeting him.

  6. Thank you so much for your wonderful message received today. I never met James but feel I know him through all his writings. They have been so inspirational. I look forward eagerly for the coming reflections.
    God bless

  7. How very beautiful. Jimmie was an important part of my life
    for years. I look forward to future blogs.
    Thank you.

  8. I am so glad Jams died peaefully at home. I am very sad that I will not see him again in this life but there is always the life hereafter where James must surely be. In the meantime I look forward to more of his words and will light a candle.

  9. Though it is sad to realise the hole James will leave in my life, it was so very good to hear of James peaceful death at home. In the generosity of his friendship, his pleasure in all that is creative in humanity, there was such overflowing love for the God who ‘knit him together in his mother’s womb’. I am so deeply thankful to have known him.
    I was sorry not to be able to be in London yesterday, but had a sense of being among a Cloud of Witnesses as I sat in the Church at Stanbrook Abbey for Mass, a community he knew well, deeply thankful to be among others, who like me were greatly blessed by his courage, humanity, inspiring wisdom and zest for life. I was very sorry not to be able to be in London yesterday but am sure I was not alone sensing a candle was alight in my heart with him, that would not blow out.
    Diana Blackburn

  10. How poignant and beautiful! – and what blessing and comfort to be able to continue to receive these inspired reflections of such a uniquely wonderful man. Thank you, dearest James, for the immeasurable blessing of your friendship, and for your endless loving-kindness.

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