Leap – and the net will appear

Sister Philippa Edwards of Stanbrook Abbey once sent me this poem by Christopher Logue:

Come to the edge
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!
And they came,
And he pushed,
And they flew.

Sometimes in life it takes another person to give us the push we need; but more often it is up to us. Ultimately, if we are to grow and fulfil our destiny, we have to take such leaps of faith.  Occasionally one comes a cropper! But even from that we can learn.


Being open to change

The other day I came across an entry in my journal, dated 4 January 1973:

One is alone, and in the end one must go into that inner room, close the door, and face the four reflecting walls that speak back to one. Is the sin against the Holy Spirit that of the individual who refuses to grow, to accept reality and the possibility of change?
