Today I just want to quote some words from a writer who has much influenced me, the Sufi master, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee:
From heart to heart love’s potency is passed. The greatness of the path always amazes me, how people are at the right place at the right time, when their heart needs to know its connection. I have come to sense this underlying web that holds us all together.
A dear friend of mine, now dead, used to say, ” you find what you need and need what you find.”
thank you, sarah, james
How many times does someone get in touch, as if by chance, just when one needs some kind comfort.
deardiana. much love, james
It has been true all my life. Looking back you see the threads.
it is like seeing the tapestry from the front and not the back! much love Jimmie
This illuminating quote has changed something I already knew but could only see in un-joined up pieces. As I read it I experienced ‘the underlying web’, its strength, its unity.
I like reading your blogs at the beginning of the day.
Thank you, James
Thank you, dear Celia.
Thank you again, James.
I feel all the people I have known as threads in the ever-changing tapestry of who I am.
thank you, dear eve, with love james