The broken heart

In the Gospels we read how Mary is told that her heart must be broken so that the secrets of many shall be revealed. To each of us will come a time when this happens – a rejection at work, the end of a love affair, sudden illness, or the death of someone close to us.  We have to endure the pain and the loss, learning from the experience. This in turn will enable us, when the time comes, to be able to respond to the needs of others. 



Faced with setbacks, disappointments, failures, tragedy even, we agitate to improve matters, whereas at such moments it is important to learn how to wait. The words, ‘At midnight noon is born,’ mean we cannot pre-empt the dawn; but if we wait patiently, then something new, perhaps in the way of an insight, will reveal itself. 


At sea

From time to time we are blown hither and thither by inexplicable rages, fantasies, loves, lusts, animosities – so that we seem like a ship without bearings, adrift on a stormy sea. Much depends on our early upbringing and it may be that some form of analysis or therapy is necessary if we are to be able to understand and control our emotions. And, without fail, the simple practice of silent meditation will provide a way forward.
