An important guest arrives

The mantra that I and some others use consist of three phrases: ‘God is present. God is here. God is now.’

The other day it occurred to me that the first phrase is like the moment a much-loved guest arrives and rings the doorbell. The second phrase welcomes the visitor into one’s home. And the final phrase, as one leads one’s guest into the main room of the house, results in some form of action, such as ‘Would you like a cup of tea?’

The practice of meditation should always flow into daily life. We meditate not just for ourselves but for others.


6 thoughts on “An important guest arrives”

  1. Dear James,

    What a beautiful deep and simple message, a joy to receive on the feast of the Assumption!

    We’re in the middle of an utterly marvellous retreat preached by a Dominican, Paul Murray, who teaches in Rome.

    With love and joy, Philippa

    1. Dear Philippa – how nice to hear that Paul Murray is still teaching and leading. I met Paul 45 years ago – introduced by my Dominican aunt Ann who knew him well. We talked and walked for hours around the cloisters of the Dominican Priory in Tallaght… one of those conversations that stay with one for ever.
      Best wishes
      Hugh Nowlan

  2. Each time I see you have posted, my heart is lifted in anticipation because I know it is always beautiful, always profound. So it is again with this beautiful message. Thank you so much.
    With love

    PS I agree with Philippa – a particular joy to receive on the Feast of the Assumption.

  3. James! Where are you? I welcome YOU into my heart after such a long absence! If you were here in Winchester, Geoffrey and I would say ‘Would you like a cup of tea?’

    With love,

    James, where are you? I welcome you into my heart and if you were here in Winchester, Geoffrey and I would say ‘Would you like a cup of tea?

    With love from Melisa

  4. Dear James (if I may be so bold)… Just read your note re “we meditate not just for ourselves but for others”.
    How lovely and powerful.
    Have been using your ‘Finding Silence’ book for a decade of Meditation Mondays with my 6th form tutor groups.
    Especially your references to Emily Dickinson and Jung.
    Thank you. Have also bought several copies for my 2 sons plus friends.
    Am trying (having just retired) to put together thoughts from 25 years of Meditation Mondays into a small book for 6th formers / undergraduates. Of course I will be quoting you if that is OK… All acknowledged naturally.
    Just thought you’d be interested to see your work and influence continuing.

    Best wishes and thanks
    Hugh Nowlan

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