The ending of the year

In former times it was customary to light a candle in the window as a signal to any passer-by that in that house there was a welcome. We, too, can mark the winter solstice and the return of light by choosing a few friends, or even strangers, with whom to reflect on the past year and what lies ahead, seated around a candle, perhaps sharing drink and a little food, then a quiet silence of reflection by everyone present. 


2 thoughts on “The ending of the year”

  1. They will be lit in our window here too and people sharing with one another in different ways, in God’s presence , such a quiet, real and gentle way wonderful way to ‘Ponder’ the meaning of Christmas, following Mary’s example.
    There is a sense through this post of James’, that we share with far more than those we see and know; also with a ‘heavenly host,’ singing ‘Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to his people on earth.’
    Emmanuel, God with us. Heaven in ordinary lives. What a blessing!

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