In former times it was customary to light a candle in the window as a signal to any passer-by that in that house there was a welcome. We, too, can mark the winter solstice and the return of light by choosing a few friends, or even strangers, with whom to reflect on the past year and what lies ahead, seated around a candle, perhaps sharing drink and a little food, then a quiet silence of reflection by everyone present.
I love this. There will be lighted candles in our sitting room window over Christmas.
They will be lit in our window here too and people sharing with one another in different ways, in God’s presence , such a quiet, real and gentle way wonderful way to ‘Ponder’ the meaning of Christmas, following Mary’s example.
There is a sense through this post of James’, that we share with far more than those we see and know; also with a ‘heavenly host,’ singing ‘Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to his people on earth.’
Emmanuel, God with us. Heaven in ordinary lives. What a blessing!