The continuing journey

Many people believe that at death, when we shed our physical body, the spirit is then freed to travel on. In other words, the journey continues, but now into worlds of unimaginable beauty, wisdom and wonder. Although we have no scientific proof of this, deep down, for myself, at the level of intuition, I have no doubts that this is so, which is why I have no fear of dying. Once, years ago, some words came to me in a meditation – which I had calligraphed by John Rowlands Pritchard and which hang on a wall in my bedroom: ‘God is an endless journey.’ 


2 thoughts on “The continuing journey”

  1. How fitting that James’ words should come to us after he himself has made that momentous next step on the journey…

  2. There is so much encouragement in this remembered phrase of James from beyond our current understanding of something felt intuitively. It increases an awareness of how precious the ‘Cloud of Witnesses’ are, too.

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